There comes a time when every inch of storage space is used in your home and garage. You might think that the solution is in a set of small shed plans. Consider the size of the shed you will build carefully. You might be considering an 8′ by 10′ storage shed but many people with larger sheds find them quickly filled. Build the largest size you can afford.

That being said there are a number of factors that can influence your decision to build a smaller project. Your budget might be limited or the lawn might be of a smaller size. Some home owners associations might place limits on a storage two story sheds they consider commercial in size. Even with such limitations there are a number of design and space management techniques that will make the most of any size shed.

One of the design details that can affect how much useful space a shed will provide is the roof line. A loft or over head storage rack can greatly increase the storage space. In order to have overhead storage the roof pitch must be high or you could build a gambrel (barn type roof line) or salt box roof line(like having a two story shed).

Easy access to your stuff can make a small shed manageable. One modification you can make to your small shed plans is to consider building the shed with a door at either end. This will allow you to get to the stuff at the back of the shed without unloading everything. This will affect the placement of your shed so look carefully at your property line and consider such things as the prevailing wind.

Another easy addition to your shed is to plan for a lots of storage hooks and shelves along the shed walls to save on floor storage space. This will make your stuff more accessible and protect it from moisture that might be present at the floor level.

If you are going to use your shed as a work shop, you might consider a work table that folds up against the wall. Have all large pieces of equipment on casters so you can move them around for most efficient usage of space. And buy multi-function tool systems that can just be reconfigured with different attachments.


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