Hair transplants have been around in one form or another for about 60 years now. The earliest transplants were primitive and the results were never what the patient expected. This was from the normal guy on the street to Hollywood stars – a lot of guys were left disfigured from sloppy transplants. My older brother had an old punch-style graft very late and the results were horrific. The grafts were huge and the donor area was torn apart. Not only that but the shock trauma in the transplanted area caused more hair to fall out. But I’m going off on a tangent – the point being that early hair transplants were pretty nasty and nobody was happy.

The idea of micro grafting appeared. This meant that a strip of hair-bearing donor skin was still removed from the scalp but the hair grafts were in much smaller units of 3 – 4 hairs instead of 20 – 30 hairs in the old punch graft style of hair transplant. This meant that transplants looked a lot more natural – the old “doll’s hair” style of the transplant was slowly fading away and only used by the worst types of transplant surgeons.

The next step was ultra micro hair grafting which meant that now, at last, a single hair could be transplanted at a time. On top of that, the method of transplanting could use follicular unit extraction techniques which meant for the first time in the history of transplants the hair could be taken directly from the donor area and transplanted directly to the bald areas of a patient’s head. This meant that the normal “smiley face” type of scar hair transplant patients expected had become a thing of the past. There were still scars in the donor area but these scars are tiny compared to the old style of the scar with a strip incision hair transplant.

Only just become popular and the idea of body hair transplants hit the news. For years people wondered about having hair transplanted from other parts of their bodies and onto their thinning or bald scalps. That changed. Now you can have hair transplanted from your beard, neck, back, chest, and legs onto your head if you wish. Oddly enough the hair usually winds up growing just like normal scalp hair so nobody can tell.

By admin

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